Bathroom is that place at your home for which choosing tiles is a big task. Being one of the private rooms at your home, it gives you the freedom to try any style and look you wish to have which are both a blessing and a curse. Surfaces reporter has some tips and sources for you to try.
Separate the wet and dry areas
The area near the shower and the commode are the ones that remain wet throughout. You must choose non polished tiles for this area and make sure to waterproof the area before tiling with a waterproof kit.

Size of tiles
We always wish to have a bigger bathroom but only some of us can have it. With a small bathroom, we often choose large tiles mistakenly and end up cutting them in between. We can choose smaller tiles to avoid any cutting between tiles. Small tiles are also available in different designs and patterns, you just need to find the right one for yourself.

Combine the tiles
You can mix and match tiles according to your taste. A white tile wall mixed with blue colour mosaic tile in the middle might give you the desired look.

What to choose?
Natural stone tiles like slate, travertine, marbles are evergreen option for tiling you bathroom floors. They look good while they are also easy to clean. These are durable but require high maintenance. Apart from these, glass is another best option to choose and it is also trendy these days. They are surely the best in looks, but when it comes to maintenance, having them as floors might prove costly. You can use these on walls which are less messy than the floors.

Plan ahead
Always purchase a set or two extra of tiles as some tiles might break with time and they are sometimes not available in the market as well. Specially made tiles or tiles with different patterns are likely to be unavailable in the market at least after a year.