Aluminium is a very sturdy and trendy material to be installed at doors and windows of an estate. It brings in more light and enhance the surroundings as well. Being a metal by-product, it is the most secure and safe produce to be installed at any household or commercial space.
There was only one way to install aluminium frames for doors and windows when the product was introduced but today, Surfaces reporter has found out trendy and must try aluminium door and window ideas that you can try at your space. There are available in the market today that we think you should know about these.
Aluminium glass-to-glass windows
The aluminium panel in this style is attached to the walls at a 90 degree angle without any mullion in between. There are no panels inserted between the glasses which makes the room look bigger without any boundaries. For an open-plan house, this is the perfect kind of aluminium style to apply.

Turn and tilt window
Aluminium turn and tilt window allows natural air into the space. You just have to open the top sash a little bit and allow the air into the space.

French window
An aluminium French window can be installed from floor to ceiling or as a large casement style. They do not make your space look loud and they open both inwards and outwards.

Top Hung Window
There are hung on the top side of the wall instead of either sides of the wall. These are perfect for small homes and these do not require much maintenance. Top hung windows prevent noise pollution and are perfect for floors at a height.

Sliding Window
If you are living in a small space, aluminium sliding window is the perfect option for you to opt. these are thin sliding windows that can be installed at full height and as a wall window. These can be painted and bring out a much bold statement for your décor.

Side Hung Window
These aluminium windows are a perfect option for hospitals, homes and hotels. When matched with the right kind of glass, they can work well against air pollution and noise pollution. They also restrict heat and cold waves into the space.
The types of door and frames for doors that aluminium provides to you for your space are:

Tilt and Slide Doors
Aluminium tilt and slide doors open both outwards and inwards. They also allow natural air inside your space when the door is open. They resist sound waves and various weather conditions into the space.

Lift and Slide Doors
These kind of doors provide you with expansive opening. These can be straight, bent, built in a corner and can be locked from both inside or outside of a house

Slide and Fold Doors
These doors open both inwards and outwards and these can also be folded into multiple layers. They provide a space with security and these can be locked from both indoors and outdoors.

Aluminium surely is a wonderful choice of material that you can install at your space. Try these ideas out and let us know in the comment section how these different aluminium doors and windows ideas worked for you. Reach out to us at www.surfacesreporter.com or you can also follow us on Facebook, Twitter, Instagram or LinkedIn.