A walk-in closet is a dream for many. People usually end up with almirah or wardrobes. Not many think of using a separate small space to make a walk in closet. If you wish to make a small storage area for clothes and want style along with it, walk in closet is the perfect idea you need. Surfaces Reporter(SR) has these amazing ideas for a walk in closet that will utilize the space to the maximum and help store your belongings.
Sliding Door with Mirror

To increase the space of your closet, you can add a floor to ceiling mirror to it or you can attach a mirror on the sliding doors of the closet. You can use the mirror to check if the outfit you’re wearing fits right or you can also add a dressing area around the mirror.
Add Cubby

Adding cubbies works the best as it helps in space management and you can also divide the clothes based on style, colors, or seasons in which you can wear them.
Add Rods

Adding rods to hang clothes is one of the best way to manage space in a small closet. This way, your clothes can be put on multi-layer hangers and multiple rods can also be used in different sub sections in the closet.
Add Shoe Section on Wall

You don’t have to worry if there is no shoe space in the closet. All you can do is put the shoe on the walls using rod crown molding. You need to make sure that the shoe is clean underneath otherwise it will stain the wall.
Make Space for Bags on the Top

One does not need to worry about managing space to keep big travelling bags. All they need to do is make space on top of the closet to keep big bags or boxes. This way it will remove any clutter in the closet while also utilize the extra space on top.
Floor to Ceiling with Hangers, Rods, Cubbies and Drawers

For both small and big spaces, floor to ceiling closets are a must. One can add hangers, rods, cubbies, drawers or simply say, make a custom closet depending on their needs. This way, one can make sure what to use where and how to utilize the space all together.
Make Customs on Wall and Add a Curtain to Hide

If there is less to no space to make a closet, worry not. You can make a layout of the closet on the wall in your bedroom with cubbies or drawers and simply hide it with a curtain. The curtain will look great and you will also not have to worry about making a separate area for a closet.
A Pull-Out Necklace/Jewellery Slide

For women who wear jewellery every now and then, this is the perfect kind of idea to include in a closet. All you need to do is make a separate sliding panel where you can hang your jewellery on clips nailed on the panel. This way you can slide the panel and pick out the jewellery you want to wear with your matching outfit. It will remove clutter of putting jewellery in a box and finding it when needed.
Divide the Clothes Categorically

Want to separate your summer clothes and winter clothes? Make sure you divide space for them in the closet by making a separate big area at the very end of the closet. This is what you can use when the weather changes and use your clothes accordingly.
Make Use of Corners

If you have space left in the corners of your closet, you can use it by putting shelves on it to keep shoes, jewellery, sunglasses, perfumes or any other kind of accessory.