The much-awaited YOUNG ARCHITECTS FESTIVAL 2022 by Indian Institute of Architects (IIA) is to be held from 27th-29th October, 2022 to be hosted by the Kerala Chapter with SURFACES REPORTER being one of the media partners.
CROSSROADS, an event hosted and organised by the Indian Institute of Architects, Calicut centre, is one of the most respected forums for critical thinking and ideation in architecture, design, and urbanism. It is an opportunity to deliberate, analyse and critically evaluate where the profession stands, address key issues and to explore newer perspectives on the way forward, connecting the practice to public realm. This year’s edition of Crossroads is a much awaited one as it will host The YOUNG ARCHITECTS FESTIVAL which is an annual festival of the Indian Institute of Architects.
The festival’s most prestigious YAF AWARDS 2022 has been calling for entries from India’s promising young architects. This year the IIA has reintroduced the YAF Awards in a brand-new format to encourage, acknowledge, appreciate, and honour the creative contribution of the younger IIA members in the field of architecture and to promote creative thinking for a resilient future.
There are 8 categories for the awards. The awards are a two-stage process. From the initial online entries received, the jury will shortlist the best ones to be presented live during the YAF-Crossroads 2022 event. We have an eminent jury comprising of leading architects and creative professionals from across the country. These include Ar Kamal Malik, Ar Tony Joseph, Ar Aparna Narasimhan, Ar Alan Abraham, Ar Abin Chaudhuri, Ar Jayakrishnan K.B, Ms Manju Sara Rajan, Mr Riyas Komu and Mr Prakash Varma.
RE-WEAVE KOZHIKODE: REIMAGINING THE COMTRUST PRECINCT is the theme for this year’s National Design Competition which aspire to bring the best of young minds to tackle a design solution for the gem of a precinct in the Kozhikode city. It looks to answer some of the most pertaining questions about the Comtrust precinct which was acquired by the government lately.
The event will also have 6 curated workshops which tread design, engineering, journalism, new age exploration and 2 of which are going to address two major urban scapes in the city.
CHINTA is a design thinking workshop for architects and student architects inquiring into tangible design strategies for a strategic 1.5acres of area in Kozhikode city which includes an erstwhile Municipal Office building and the public Beach surroundings. This 3 day workshop is being mentored by an eminent panel with Ar Bijoy Ramachandran, Ar Biju Kuriakose, Ar Girish Dariyav Karnawat, Ar.Palinda Kannangara and Ar.Shimul Javeri Kadri.
BHAVANA is design sensitization workshop for school children who shall explore the design possibilities of the Lion’s Childrens Park in Kozhikode. This workshop gets interesting as the primary stakeholders of a project themselves are involved in formulating design solutions. This workshop is mentors by Ar Madhav Raman and other eminent architects from Kerala.
AKARA is a form and structure workshop for architects and student architects, to think beyond and explore structural design as a creative discipline. It urges to explore multiple structural solutions for the same design problem and explore ways in which the structure itself can create Architecture! An exploration, as well as a celebration of Structure! The workshop is curated by Er Manjunath, practicing structural consultant at M/S Manjunath & Co, Bangalore.
NIRMANA is a materials and techniques workshop. Globalization has been driving the standardization of spaces and Architecture; and buildings all over the world have started to look alike! Can we urge architectural students and young practicing architects to think beyond and explore and innovate with local materials, techniques and technology and celebrate them in a context specific architecture? This material specific workshop is curated by Bangalore based Masons Ink Studio.
SASARA is a workshop on Oritechture. Ankon Mitra, an architect by profession and an internationally reputed artist, coined the term ‘Oritecture, ie. Origami + Architecture’. With this, he shares a unique vision of a universe forming and dissolving from acts of folding. To him, the ancient art of Origami, rather than being a child’s craft, is a cutting-edge tool that is being deployed by robotic engineers, space scientists, biotech researchers, mathematicians, computation experts, botanists, architects, and artists to create solutions for the real world in the 21st century
LIPI, the architectural writing and journalism workshop, is led by Ar.Tanya Khanna, Founder of Epistle Communications, and Suneet Langar, Editorial Director at Epistle Communications. In an era of various writing styles and wider audience looking forward to pursuing architectural journalism, this workshop is sure to enlighten a large audience on the basics of architectural writing, building a portfolio and exploring various options and opportunities. The workshop is intended for young architects, architecture students and journalists across the country.
In addition, there will be a National Student Installation Competition wherein the student are required to make an inspiring multisensory installation, while maximizing the possibility of public engagement and interaction. It should also respond to the culture and history of the place.
Besides the exploration of architecture, the event is curating a celebration of the City’s culture, art, and its ethos. This brings together food, music, and people from various cultures to blend in to a festive 3 days.
More details can be sought at www.atcrossroads.in