Flooring options are not an easy pick. The pressure multiples if you have pets. We do everything around the house taking our pets in mind. For flooring it becomes even more vital since pets can lead to a lot of wear and tear, additionally, it may influence the comfort of your pet. Pets can leave stains, dirty floorings or skid on floorings that are not suitable. Surfaces Reporter(SR) brings the best options for flooring for pet owners.
Vinyl flooring
Viny is the most effortless flooring option for your little friends. Vinyl flooring is water, stain and scratch-resistant which makes it durable and simple to maintain. There are a variety of options for colours and patterns to choose from which makes it a good choice for most taste palettes. Vinyl has add-on protection against allergens promoting healthy living. Being waterproof spills and accidents won't damage the floor. This type of flooring features a protective wear layer preventing the film from staining, scuffing, scratching or fading.it can serve as an alternative for those who love hardwood finishing since in most cases hardwood isn't an affordable choice for pet homes. Maintaining the vinyl floor is straightforward and can be mopped easily. For a home of a dog who loves to roll in mud before entering the house or for a home with a little puppy who is still potty training, the vinyl floor will not disappoint you.

Before you declare me as crazy for adding carpet to this list, just hear me out. Carpet is not the ideal choice for a pet home because of the obvious reasons fibres can trap fur, dander, spilt kibble, and kitty litter. But there are a few advantages that they have- the top one being the comfort of your pet. They snuggle and play on the carpet for hours in peace. With the latest technologies, it's not difficult to find a carpet that is pet friendly. Nylon is a good option in this view since it tends to be more durable and stain-resistant than its counterparts. You can pick a carpet with a lower pile which are easier to clean. Avoid loop piles as they may injure the claws on your pets. The latest trend is around carpet tiles. These give you the illusion of carpet with lesser risks involved. Instead of opting for wall to wall carpeting, carpet tiles can be used. These are also moveable if there is any stubborn stain.

Another choice that doesn't fit the mainstream options for pet homes. Spills and accidents can damage them. Softer versions are susceptible to scratching. But refinishing hardwood will remove all the scratches. You can also choose a wood floor with high-quality urethane. This allows for more scratch and stain resistance. Scuffs and scratches are also less noticeable on more rustic or distressed planks. Choose a harder species such as hickory or oak – with a rustic or scraped visual and a urethane finish.

A great option for environment-conscious folks. The composition of cork is a healthy combination that prevents the growth of mould and other allergens. It is scratch-resistant which makes it safe for all kinds of pet attacks. It absorbs sound which ensures that nail-on-tile click-clacking doesn't come off so loud and rasping. Cork flooring is water-resistant bit spills need to be cleaned since it is not waterproof.

Stone tile
Choice of flooring against wear and tear. Immune to the scratching by animals and is an optimal choice for pet owner homes. The only shortcoming is that stone tiles get cold in winters and which makes them suitable only for summers. For winters you might need to put a rug or pet bed. Granite stone tiles are suitable as they are budget-friendly.

Apart from adding a suitable flooring option, ensure that you trim the nails of your pets frequently so that there is minimal scratching. Place a mat below the water and food bowls to avoid unnecessary spillage and leaking.