Granite is a very popular choice of building stone materials especially for homes. It is available in different colors and it is known for its beautiful textures. You can mostly find granite as a kitchen countertop in a home. For all that this natural stone brings with itself, it also needs something from you in return. Yes, that’s right! You have to keep your granite clean every now and then, preferably everyday because they catch grease and oil spills easily when applied as kitchen countertops.
To know how to clean and maintain your granites without damaging them, SURFACES REPORTER has an explainer that you can follow and keep up with your granite countertop.
Basic cleaning
To maintain your granite for a longer time, make sure to clean your countertops with microfiber cloth or any dry cloth to remove any dust, oil spills. Do this on a regular basis to maintain the health of your granite and prevent it from cracking or sealing. Whenever there is a spill, wipe it down with a cloth using water. You can also wipe your granite once in a week with a stone cleaner using damp cloth to maintain the neutral pH level.
Do not use any harsh acids or cleaners based on chemical to clean the natural stone as that might mess the whole surface. The granite will then scratch, have pits and etch. When there is an oil spill, its best to use poultice made using baking soda and a few tablespoons of dish soap. Your mixture needs to be consistent like yogurt or sour cream. Place the solution directly on the stain and cover with plastic wrap overnight. Clean it the next morning and dry thoroughly.
Seasonal maintenance
You can simply do a test on granite to determine whether the granite is sealed or not. Simply splash some water on the surface of the countertop and check whether it makes small beak-like shapes or flows around. If water does not form like beads, you need to seal your surface. Try doing this on the areas of the countertops that are used more often.
(*picture credit : Architypes*)
Examine the granite frequently or at least once a year to make sure it has no seals or it is not broken from the edges. If there are any cracks, stains or damage on the countertop, contact a professional to look after it. Do not delay the treatment of your granite countertop as it may lead to total renovation of the surface.
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