Yes, this is what I dreamt, visualized and worked for umpteen years, yet it was a bewildering moment for me to see. On the first day, when I stepped inside the exhibition gate, the long queue of people waiting to enter followed by the huge numbers of visitors already at the exhibition halls, even before we inaugurated, was not what I expected. The crowd was unusual for the first day, in the most positive sense. We met people from different states who planned months in advance to visit WADe ASIA and MATeCIA eXHIBITION. Many had put up in far away hotels due to no availability close to the venue. It was heartwarming to meet some amazing individuals who travelled long distance for WADe ASIA and MATeCIA. Post data analysis, we found visitors were from almost every state of India and from 16 other countries. If I have to sum up this experience, I will call it TRUST. Thank you visitors! Humbled and bowed by your trust on us.
The overwhelming coming together of exhibitors, despite the fact that we were exhibiting for the first time in Pragati Maidan, was an awe-inspiring experience. There was a big gap of two years and we had no experience of managing a large scale exhibition of 250000+ sqft of area with 200+ exhibitors. There was a lot at stake for us, and with us. One of the exhibitors exclaimed, “Our 1000 visiting cards got exhausted on the first day. We had to order again.” Others said, “We saw such crowd for the first time in any exhibition” and “the visitors are extremely relevant.” All these opinions are posted in MATECIA's YouTube. If I have to sum up this experience, I will call it SUPPORT. Humbled and bowed by your support dear exhibitors and for standing with us!
Never in our wildest imagination, could I have thought of this special experience. A moment, me and WADe ASIA team will cherish forever. WADe ASIA received a Standing Ovation!!! I was moderating a discussion with architects Bimal Desai, Yatin Patel and Mehul Shah, Partners at DSP Design Associates. The hall was full of architects and designers. To my utter surprise, Ar Bimal Desai stood up to say, “Let’s give a standing ovation to Vertica and the sister for their work!” Phew!! As all were standing up to clap, my eyes were looking for my team members who actually deserve this so much. I am still trying to relive this special moment. I am sure, not many organisations working for architects & interior designers have received a standing ovation from a hall full of architects & designers. So proud to be working for WADe ASIA! If I have to sum up this experience, I will call it COLLABORATION. Humbled and swayed by the gesture! Today, I admit, running a platform like WADe isn’t easy at all. Thanks to the community for ensuring that the light of WADe remains kindled and for working with us together to meet the objectives. Thanks to WADe ASIA Jury and Speakers. Community-led collaborations have great power. This gesture will surely motivate many young souls to give birth to more platforms like WADe ASIA.
Publisher, Surfaces Reporter®
Founder, WADE ASIA
Platform for Women in Design & Architecture
vertica@surfaces.in | www.wadeasia.com