This message was part of a recent conversation between me and an architect from India. The blatant openness took me aback for a while. I felt glad someone was willing to discuss this. Well, the term 'lots of projects' means different things to different firms and the type of projects they do. We had a fairly long conversation touching upon how different project sectors were performing. Here are the points picked from the conversation which might benefit others to ponder on:
RealIty Check:
After covid, massive changes are taking shaped in the way we operate our businesses, how we meet & communicate as well as how our clients work. The degree of change might be different for different professions. Today, firms and companies who are succeeding have three things in common: (a) They are moving with the flow and not stuck to 'how it was or how it should be' (b) They are creating new abilities & capabilities as preparedness for the future and building the plans A and B around them (c) They are constantly doing reality checks and super agile to move with the ebb and flow of the market. Some people are just waiting for the old-time to be back. Well, time might even be better, but it demands certain actions from your side too. I suggest doing 'Reality Check Surveys' at regular intervals on yourself as well as your work. Make it part of your work culture where people can share new ideas, deliberate on them, and contemplate to make good old processes better.
PIvot your work:
Among the businesses that fail are 70% who do not pivot their work at the right time. The sessions of 'Reality Checks' should lead to two things - areas that demand your attention and action plan to execute the same. This step-by-step process helps in navigating an organization to a better direction.
Technology adoptIon:
Should I even say why Tech adoption is a must! You have seen how tech is revolutionizing our lives today so also the lives and work of our clients. The technology world is seeing one of the biggest growth in demand currently for skilled professionals. Who had even thought of this during the dark days of the pandemic! Big Data, Tech integration in Design, optimising use of Human Resources from different geographies through tech, Serving clients better, and executing Projects Faster through collaboration, are some of the expected outcomes from Tech adoption.
Build your design leadership in an altogether new way. It is time to move up the ladder a few more steps. While being anchored to your originality, it is time to cover up certain distance. Pandemic has catapulted how we work, live, and communicate. To be with the times is not enough. Design leadership demands having the ability to predict the future in certain ways and help clients with ideas around their new needs.
Use tIme to work, not worry:
If I need to summarize the points in one sentence, it is all about doing bigger & complex work in a better & simpler way. When you are not doing such work, you should be building capacities and processes for the future. Worrying will definitely not lead you anywhere, work will. It is better not to check out what others are doing if that troubles you. Always check out to appreciate and learn. Take every situation as an opportunity to either deliver or build. In order to reach out to your prospects, share regular developments through articles, blogs, or as speakers in different forums. Have a voice and make it heard.
I am thankful to the person in the conversation who insisted I should share this with readers of SURFACES REPORTER. Amid bright market recovery hopes, it is time to gear up and keep your best foot forward. All the best!
Write to me at vertica@surfaces.in