Dutch Studios Bureau SLA and Overtreders W have designed beautiful plastic cladding tiles-called Pretty Plastic formed from recycled PVC windows and gutters. It is for the first time such tiles have been used on a permanent building. The designers claim that these are the “world’s first 100 per cent recycled cladding material". SURFACES REPORTER (SR) brings more information about the material. Take a look:
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Architect Grosfeld Bekkers Van der Velde Architecten has used these hanging tiles to design a school music pavilion in the Netherlands . The design work of the building was finished in January.

Each shingle is created from the material collected from building sites across the Netherlands. Then, the tiles are sorted and shredded into five-millimetre-wide pieces. Subsequently, these are cut up and shaped and then delivered to Belgium where they got their final transformation into shingles by Govaplast, a company that makes materials from recycled plastic.
Made of Shredded PVC Construction Waste
The grey diamond-shaped shingles are made from waste PVC building products such as downspouts, rain gutters, and window frames. The designers suspended them in overlapping rows.
These tiles were first built in 2017 for the People's Pavilion, a temporary hall designed at Dutch Design Week in Eindhoven. In the pavilion, 9000 bespoke moulded plastic shingles have been used. These shingles were made of waste gathered from local residents. The structure was demounted later on and every part of it is designed to be used again.
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The architect enquired about the product after visiting People’s Pavilion at Dutch Design Week. He decided to use them for permanent buildings. Van Assche says, “As with many good things in life, the collaboration came by chance.”
These tiles got the fire approval in class B last year. Class B is given to materials that are very tough to burn. This approval makes them apt for the use in external facades as a cladding material.

"Apart from bio-based materials, genuine 100 percent sustainable cladding materials hardly exist," said van Assche. "Pretty Plastic is the first facade material made from 100 percent upcycled plastic waste as far as we know," he further added.
"For people looking for recycled materials that contribute to a circular economy, Pretty Plastic is one of the few products that can be used on facades," he continued.
Also Read: A Beautiful Outdoor Furniture Series Made With Clay Roof Tiles | Manoj Patel Design Studio | Gujarat
The tiles are available in a variety of grey tones.
Each tile has a unique finish formed by the use of different plastic materials.
This is a wonderful way of reusing plastic waste beautifully and innovatively..
Photo courtesy: Sint-Oelbert Gymnasium
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