Titled Flora (Forest Lab for Observational Research and Analysis), the pavilion serves as a scientific facility, allowing researchers to reside a...
Comprising 127 six-meter-tall vertical wooden fins, the temporary structure had been meticulously positioned in a grid formation around the exist...
Designer Samuel Wilkinson has designed a solar shelter on a minimal ground level that can collect large amounts of solar energy as well as provid...
A beautiful assortment of traditional and modern elements with the classic touch of College Street design creates a lively experience at the Coff...
In close partnership with Oak View Group, CAA ICON, Live Nation and C3, American architecture studio Gensler helped the University of Texas to co...
The resurrection of Tom Lee Park, now known as Day One, represents a remarkable achievement in urban design and community revitalization, forging...
The park’s design is inspired by the flow of magma from a volcano with its floor coloured in red, orange and yellow pathways that create organic ...
A permanent colourful pavilion exploring the relationship between light and colour has been recently installed in one of Europe’s largest hotels ...
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