Tags Archives : Taiwan

This Organic-Form Pavilion is Made From Thin-Shell Aluminum Using Advanced Computational Techniques | Taiwan

This Organic-Form Pavilion is Made From Thin-Shell Aluminum Using Advanced Computational Techniques | Taiwan

In Taichung City, Marc Fornes, the principal architect at New Yorks THEVERYMANY studio, has designed the captivating Cherry Blossom Pavilion.

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This Solar-Clad Office is Designed to Generate 1mn kWh of Clean Energy Every Year | Sun Rock

The first images of an energy complex comprising offices, a maintenance workshop, storage spaces and a public gallery have been recently unveiled...

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3D Printed Coral Reef Dwellings

Students Propose 3D Printed Coral Reef Dwellings to Rejuvenate Marine Ecosystem | C-Ecology

Students of Tunghai University in Taiwan have been recently nominated for the Green Concept Award 2022 for their C-Ecology project. Run by non-pr...

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