This Organic-Form Pavilion is Made From Thin-Shell Aluminum Using Advanced Computational Techniques | Taiwan

This Organic-Form Pavilion is Made From Thin-Shell Aluminum Using Advanced Computational Techniques | Taiwan

In Taichung City, Marc Fornes, the principal architect at New York's THEVERYMANY studio, has designed the captivating Cherry Blossom Pavilion. Crafted from thin-shell aluminum using advanced computational techniques, this structure boasts intricate organic forms that seamlessly blend into its industrial park setting, attracting tourists and locals alike with its artistic allure. Read more on SURFACES REPORTER (SR):

Graceful Design

The pavilion's grand form rises and twists, resembling unfurling flower petals, with pockets and openings offering views of cherry blossom trees and the sky.

Serving as both sculptural art and architectural shelter, it provides a refreshing escape from Taiwan's heat, encouraging exploration and socializing.

Architectural Innovation

For years, Marc Fornes, the principal architect at New York's THEVERYMANY studio, has been leveraging cutting-edge technologies and pioneering a non-linear design approach for expansive public art installations and small-scale architectures.

The intricate curvilinear surfaces of the Cherry Blossom Pavilion are crafted through parametric and computational methods, seamlessly integrating design and fabrication. This meticulous process yields a sprawling, unified, ultra-thin system where envelope and structural support harmoniously megre.

Visitors circling or traversing through the pavilion discover fresh spatial encounters, engaging with its unique structure and catching glimpses of the surrounding environment. The studio's creation of multiple entry points, archways, and canopies forms a meandering playground, inviting guests to find solace and connect with one another.

Project Details

Project Name: Cherry Blossom Pavilion
Photography: YHLAA / Yi-Hsien Lee | @nevermind1107
Retouching: Chen Yang

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