Surfaces Reporter LAUNCH PAD is glad to present Kajaria Vitronite. In a special discussion with Mr B G Vyas, Chief Operating Officer, Kajaria Ceramics Ltd, Vertica Dvivedi, Editor-in-Chief, Surfaces Reporter finds out what Vitronite is and how it is being positioned vis-a-vis granite and Italian marble.
Any designer or dealer cannot miss it!
WHEN: 22 November (Monday), 5:00 PM
WHERE: LIVE on Surfaces Reporter FB and YouTube Channel
About Kajaria Vitronite
Kajaria Vitronite slabs are among the latest products offered by Kajaria. Vitronite has two positioning statements, one is as New Age Kitchen tops for Modern Kitchen and second, as New Age Granite & Marble.
About SR Launch Pad
SR LAUNCH PAD is the centre stage created to connect designers, dealers, and builders with the latest products & new designs in the interior, architecture, and building material segment.
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