Transforming the healthcare space into sophisticated healining environment

Shailja Shah Patel
Ahmedabad leading vascular surgery hospital Indocasc is designed by the concept of imbuing health promoting qualities into health care facilities.
An outstanding experience is created by levering the physical qualities of an environment to project a distinctive identity that embodies and reflects the aspirational qualities of indovasc as a brand. It is a place that visually communicates their mission,
Culture and values while spacially promoting, supporting and enabling the behaviors and actions associated with their broader goals. Given the expanding health care industry, quality of patient care is directly influenced by the quality of interiors in health care setting.
While designing indovasc hospital we broadly involved two aspects- first understanding the need for quality care in medical environment and second business of health care.
Sophisticated environments can engage patients into a conscious process of inner healing and mental peace.Our big idea was to create more comfortable and home-like space which create sense of hope and confidence among all- the patients, visitors, staff and doctor as well.
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