Munir Vahanvati And Mittul Vahanvati of Giant Grass- a Melbourne-based architecture and design firm has come up with a "Zome Building Kit" that works like a Lego or Meccano set on a larger scale and can be used to build a bamboo dome-like structure. The firm that always aims to explore the possibilities of sustainable materials has created this DIY kit to design a bamboo structure without any special tools or construction experience. It can serve as a hangout space for children in the backyard or can be a peaceful place for yoga at home, a creative area in the office, or can be shaded shelter area next to the swimming pool, or a glamping tent. The structure can be assembled in 2-3 hours without requiring any specific tools or training. Also, after use, you can dismantle it within 30 minutes. Isn't it great? Read more about the amazing structure below at SURFACES REPORTER (SR):
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The Zome Building Kit by Giant Grass is an ideal project solution for people concerned about sustainability and promotes practical learning, geometry, and who loves and encourages teamwork while enjoying.

How to Quickly Build Your Own Bamboo Structure
You can create your own bamboo structure within 2-3 hours by laying out the base on the ground and joining the stirps with nuts and bolts. You can also dismantle the structure that would hardly take 30 minutes.

It can be a lovely outdoor space as you can add fairy lights on its frame that gives the dome a beautiful look under a starry night. You can sit under it while enjoying its geometric beauty.

What Does Zoom Building Kit Contain?
The kit comes with all crucial accessories such as 350 precision-made bamboo strips, nuts, bolts, and an installation guide to make the 3m x 3m structure.
Also Read: Lightweight Bamboo Construction and 3D-Printing Technology Used in the Making of This Pavilion by Swiss Architecture Students | ETH Zuric

The firm wanted to make its design more accessible and affordable so that more people can experience the fun of building together.

Difference Between Traditional and Zome Dome
The geometric shape of Zome is quite different from that of a traditional dome. However, they both are light in weight and have similar design principles as symmetry, proportions and triangulations.
Plus, a zome has much more functional space compared to a dome. A traditional dome of 3m diameter spans 1.5m in the centre, while a Zome of similar diameter can spread around 2.8m from its centre. Also, you can create a zome dome very easily with the help of Giant Grass's zome building kit.

These bamboo strips would grey over time, similar to timber, unless UV-resistant coating applied on these to retain the yellow aesthetic. The entire zoom structure weighs less than 35 kg and is easy to transport by two people. Relocation of zoom is also simple as all the parts come in a box 70 x 30 x 30cm in size. Zome building kit comes in small, medium and large sizes

All in All, the Zome kit gives you a sense of pride to design your own structure while being watchful of its impact on the environment.
Project Details
Project Name: Zome Building Kit
Architecture Firm: Giant Grass
Principal Architects/ Designers: Munir Vahanvati And Mittul Vahanvati
Source: https://www.giantgrass.com/zome/
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