Breaking free from the quintessential cafe designs, Annkur Khosla of Annkur Khosla Design Studio has delved into a duality of contrasting colour scheme for the Earth Cafe. Drawing inspiration from its name and cuisine, the cafe features a distinct colour scheme.

The dichotomy of the earth in terms of northern and southern hemispheres carved up by the axis is artistically illustrated by Khosla. To bring out the desire of reflecting this stark contrast in the interiors, she took two diametrically opposite colours and defined each space consciously by reflecting the part of the world as one. While the millennial blush creates an insta-worthy backdrop, the grey vicinity balances the pastel hue by toning it down a little.

Metaphorically embodying the yin-yang link through the colour palette, Khosla’s has smoothly blended soft crimson with sober grey to add a contemporary touch to this cafe. It encompasses the conscious and subconscious levels of mind and matter.

“It is the polarity of the earth-inspired duality in the interiors where two independent colour scheme coexist in the same space,” she informs. It is not common to come across two contradictory colour schemes in a single space. However, according to Khosla, “It is this bipolarity and the synthesis of the two that we have exhibited and that the ability to create harmony in the interior is what we have challenged.”

The chic, linear furniture blends with the dual pastel chart of the space. The charming and vibrant space reflects the simplicity and organic nature of its establishment. In harmony with the space, a wall clock in the centre with a guitar and a hint of greenery on its side encapsulates the beauty of the quaint café.

The seating and decor have been kept at a minimal to balance the chasm of colour. Ample of natural light pours in through the big windows. “Each colour is represented and coordinated completely in the flooring, ceiling, furniture and furnishing to perceive it as an integrated whole,” she adds. Revolving around sustainability, the café has been established through reusing and recycling existing materials from the preexisting site.

Image credits: Pulkit Sehgal