Get trending updates and news on modern and contemporary surfaces & finishes that have become really popular in the modern world living. Read more about innovative products.
Beds in Indian homes are quite temporary. People generally do not opt for premium quality beds or Adjustable Beds as they think it is just a means to sleep on.
Window Magic is amongst the initial introducers of uPVC to India. Setup in 2002, “Window Magic”, a division of Window Magic India Pvt Ltd., it emerged from collaboration with the Profine Group of Germany which is the world’s largest manufacturers of uPVC profiles operating under the brand name
Apart from Marble, Granite, Concrete, one of the other materials that have become very popular in our homes and especially Kitchen Countertops is Solid Surface. SURFACES REPORTER tells you what you should know before buying solid surfaces
Dutch Mountains building design is made of Cross-laminated timber (CLT) sourced from sustainably managed forests in the region.
Textures and volumes of this Cafe have been designed to reference an experience, reminiscent of rural Indian settlements.
Chennai-based architecture firm used local materials like grey fly ash bricks, red wire cut bricks, terracotta jali and baked earth tiles to design this full-fledged K12 campus in the Tier-II city of Tamil Nadu.
Latvia-based startup Brette Haus has recently designed a small origami-like prefabricated house that can be installed or uninstalled in just 3 hours.
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