VR Build, (VR Build)

Mumbai, , Maharashtra , India

Veda Realty was established in 2002 under Mr. Mahesh Talreja (MD) with an aim to become the “total supplying and building solutions for architectural and interior décor” with a custom-made approach to suit the client’s taste, aesthetics and level of functionality.

Veda Realty has a keen interest in the greener and cleaner environment approach and they work in leaps and bounds in product development and innovations to the interior design space.

They are proud of their relationships with their clients and will help you guide through every section of creating your dream notion to be consistent, timely delivered, cost effective and good quality work. They focus on working acording to both Indian and International standards.

    Company/Group VR Build
    Nature Of Business Hardware & Fixtures
    Email Send Email
    Contact No/Mobile Request Callback
    Address 1&2, Narsing Co-op Soc, 4th Road, Khar West
    City Mumbai,
    State Maharashtra

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