Affreschi & Affreschi, (Affreschi & Affreschi)

Italy , Italy , India

Affreschi & Affreschi was founded by Dario Roselli in 1997  in Civitanova Marche. The journey of the firm started in 1998 when Roselli met the artist Francesco Palma and they started FRADA together, a private art studio that still continues to create hand-painted frescoes for luxury projects including royal residences in Bahrain, Saudi Arabia, United Arab Emirates, and Qatar.

With time, Roselli began to test his art on different kinds of raw material that could be exported to different countries without breaking. In 2003, Roselli was able to make a product that he could unseal and the sample unrolled in his hands without crumbling.

In 2004, Affreschi & Affreschi started the tests to get digital images directly reproduced on the plaster. There was no technology that could print on such material. Roselli collaborated with Pino Friuli, an expert, who became passionate about the project. The firm found its first dealer in 2004 itself. 

Today, Affreschi & Affreschi is the world-known brand that exporter Unique and recognizable rolling plaster in various countries. 

    Company/Group Affreschi & Affreschi
    Nature Of Business wallpaper
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    Address Z.I. 9, 73027 Minervino di Lecce (LE) Italy
    City Italy
    State Italy

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