Panasonic India has a wide range of consumer electronics, home appliances like LCD & Plasma TVs, DVD players, Home Theatre Systems, Smartphones, Cameras, Camcorders, Car Audio Systems, Air Conditioners, Washing Machines, Refrigerators, Microwave Ovens, Automatic Cookers, Vacuum Cleaners along side a wide range of system products including communication ones like Mobile Phones, High Definition Videoconferencing, Professional Audio Video products like Broadcast Cameras, Projectors and Displays, Business Solutions including Printers, Whiteboards and Security Solutions.
Panasonic launched its operations in India in the year 1972 which was later established as Panasonic India Pvt Ltd in the year 2008. Panasonic India was recently designated as regional hub to drive growth and build deeper inroads into the fast emerging Asiatic, Middle Eastern and Western economies.
Starting from India, Panasonic aims at creating a knowhow to address consumers who are based out of India, then take the knowledge to the emerging markets. Panasonic is focused on working aggressively and strategically to invest in market research and product innovation and thereafter recruit and bring the best of global talent using its in-house open application system and work in areas like energy, water, remote access and food.